Monday, March 14, 2016

Join My Grassroots Effort

Why I Need Your Help to Get the Word Out

When I submitted A Mind of Your Own to the publisher, I was shocked by how uncensored it was. The material went straight to the HarperCollins printing presses without a single black line. I took it as a sign that this Truth was ready to be born.

Then reality set in. Unsurprisingly, the top media outlets – all supported by Pharma advertising – are now blacklisting any press on this book. And even threatening negative press if they do report.

So, it looks like we’re on our own to get the message out. And I could use your help.

I know you’re reading this because you have woken up. Because you are ready to stand in the light of a different kind of story about mental health and healing.

Maybe you’ve been burned by psychiatry. Maybe it’s overpromised and underdelivered. Or maybe you’re struggling and you just feel that medication isn’t the path you want for yourself.

Together, we can rise up and change the game for all those caught in a web of struggle around their mental health. The conversation needs to be wrested from the hands of industry and doctors who are parroting industry claims.

I’m not sure there’s ever been a more important opportunity in the history of psychiatry to change the trajectory.

Since I learned that my medical training sent me and my patients down a dangerous path, I have wanted to get the message out. Without your help, without grassroots support, this message won’t move the needle the way I believe it should. For us to get this information on the NY Times Bestseller list would be game-changing, especially without the help of mainstream media.

Join My Grassroots Effort

Here’s where I need your help.

In honor of our David vs Goliath fight, I am asking you to:

1. Call your local bookstore – the one you haven’t been to in a while – and ask if they are stocking the book. Go grab a copy for yourself and every person you love.

2. Take a selfie with the book at your local bookstore.

3. Post this pic on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #amindofyourown and tag your location!

12715784_486410868232433_1110335032214972987_nAt milestones of 100, 500, 1000 selfies and beyond, I will announce special bonus incentives including a personal visit to the city with the most tags!

I feel an excitement building inside me and it has to do with the power of grass-roots community to overcome adversity, even against great odds. I can’t wait to see your beautiful faces!


The post Join My Grassroots Effort appeared first on Kelly Brogan MD.

from Kelly Brogan MD

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