Tuesday, May 31, 2016

3 Common Energy Efficient Window Treatments

Energy-efficient window treatments can help provide effective insulation that maximize or minimize heat gain as needed.  In this post we’ll discuss 3 common energy efficient window treatments, including: awnings, shades and draperies.

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% on south-facing windows and 77% on west-facing windows. You can use an awning to shade one window or have an awning custom-made to shade the entire side of your house.
Awnings require ventilation to keep hot air from becoming trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides of an awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to the sides or top to vent hot air. Source: Energy

The DOE considers window shades the simplest and most effective way to save energy with window treatments. Proper installment is key. Mounting shades as close to the glass as possible and right up against the adjacent wall creates a tight seal that minimizes both heat gain and loss. Shades with dual layers of fabric — a light color on one side and a darker color on the other— add more functionality. Try reversing the shades based on the season; the light color will reflect heat in summer, while the dark color will absorb heat during winter. Source: Houzz

Like shades and shutters, draperies are only efficient when they’re closed. However, if they’re used in conjunction with another window covering, such as a honeycomb shade or a wood blind, you can let sun in during daylight hours and effectively shut out colder air at night. When fully closed, the R-values of thermally lined drapes range from R-3 to R-5, depending on the type of fabric and the thickness of the lining and interlining.
To maximize energy efficiency, Korby recommends floor-to-ceiling drapes that fold back against the wall. This allows the drapes to seal off the window, preventing drafts and loss of heat through convection. Source: HouseLogic


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The post 3 Common Energy Efficient Window Treatments appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.

from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters http://ift.tt/1sKAtNR


Paul Koebnick has been at Singapore American School for 20 years. What began as his interest in lighting design evolved into his career in theater tech, and the opportunity to mentor hundreds of students!

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1UtoCgb


As a student, Kate Ryan '02 learned to expect excellence from herself and the people she worked with. As a professional, she can trace much of her success back to the experiences she had as a student at Singapore American School.

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For Singapore American School fitness teacher Ursula Pong, healthy living goes beyond a weekly trip to the gym. Her greatest joy comes from watching students move from the hunt for great abs to a desire to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1TWvVwN


For Singapore American School middle school digital media teacher Ana María Gach, fun is at the heart of learning.

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1O455E1

3 Things to Do After a Massage

A massage is a wonderful way to relax, de-stress, and improve your health. Here are some simple tips to help … Continue reading

from signaturemobilespa http://ift.tt/1sKqxDK


For Kyle Aldous '02, Singapore American School was an opportunity to discover his potential and use his teachers' support to lay his foundation for future success.

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1XetFFo

How Veteran Real Estate Investors Buy Homes At A Bargain, *Hint* It’s NOT About The Price




It’s NOT About The Price! 


When I met a veteran real estate investor a few years ago, that was when I learned that’s NOT about the price.  Unlike the typical real estate buyer or the so called “investor” who cares about lowballing and buying below tax assesssed and getting the property at below market value, the Veteran Real Estate Investors don’t always think like that.

They think differently.  They think outside of the box.  They think about terms.  



What?  What do you mean?  Isn’t it about the price?


That’s what I thought too.   But, often veteran real estate investors are willing to pay market value or EVEN ABOVE MARKET VALUE if the terms are favorable.  


What do you mean if the terms are favorable?


What if you could get the seller to give you a mortgage at an incredibly low interest rate?  That would be called a vendor take back mortgage, a term that describes a seller giving you a mortgage so you if you can’t your banks to give you money or give you a good rate, the seller would give you that mortgage and you’d be making your mortgage payments to the seller, either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly or whatever you guys agree to.  

The post How Veteran Real Estate Investors Buy Homes At A Bargain, *Hint* It’s NOT About The Price appeared first on Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC.

from Gary Wong Realty Vancouver, BC http://ift.tt/1O3hZSF

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


this Memorial Day Weekend!

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For Dr. Vicki Rogers, Singapore American School and her family are one in the same. Dr. Rogers attended SAS as a student and now teaches at SAS. Her son is now a student at SAS as well!

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1OZR2dw

Monday, May 30, 2016

River Park Place – Phase 2 coming to Richmond

Following the success of Intracorp’s One River Park Place, we are pleased to bring you and your clients the newest addition to Richmond’s riverfront Oval Village. RPP II will be Richmond’s brightest new neighbourhood and will feature the most sought-after amenities within minutes, while paving the way with progressive and illuminating technological details.

RPP II will feature 127 vibrant one, two and three bedroom homes. Views of the mountains, the river or the city centre will celebrate both the natural setting to the north, and a bustling epicentre of amenities to the south. Without even leaving your front door, Intracorp’s quality and industry-leading excellence is proven with state-of-the-art recording and practice rooms, a business centre, games and study rooms – all within steps – and all part of the luxury amenities at RPP II. Also enjoy a peaceful yoga room, an innovative gym space, and the ultimate car wash.

The post River Park Place – Phase 2 coming to Richmond appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Buildings – Vancouver New Condos http://ift.tt/1RGUBF5

Saturday, May 28, 2016

MavericKitchen’s Guide to Coffee Enemas

The following guest post was written by my amazingly talented friend Lea at MavericKitchen. In this humorous blog, you’ll learn what coffee enemas are used for, how the procedure works, and what you can do to avoid common pitfalls.

If you told me a year ago I’d be writing this article, I would have questioned your sanity.

You see, I’ve undergone a bit of a health metamorphosis in the last eighteen months. Despite battling chronic health issues my whole life, I ate and drank with reckless abandon throughout my young adult years.

And I scraped by. Medicated to get through the endless sinus infections, digestive problems, and brain fog. Until one fateful day after the birth of my son, the walls caved in.

I was losing hair in clumps, my joints screamed, my lips were white, and I could barely pick myself off the floor to tend to my darling bouncing boy. Something was very, very wrong.

After a battery of blood tests from my conventional doctor and her office calling to tell me “Everything’s normal. You’re fine!”, I decided to jump the Western medicine ship and look for answers in the functional universe.

It turns out, more than one thing was very wrong. You learn a lot about yourself after spending tens of thousands of dollars on functional lab testing, five integrative practitioners, and supplements not exclusive of pork pancreas and ox bile.

And, my salvation during that journey was writing about it on my teeny-tiny blog, MavericKitchen.

The problem is, when you’re struggling to get out of bed every day while caring for a baby, maintaining a household and a full-time corporate job, diversions like hobby blogging hit the back burner. It has been well over a year since I’ve voiced my journey online.

Then, the visionary goddesses of Fearless Parent offered me the opportunity to unleash my voice upon the web once again. I had to make this count.

Now, I’ve written at least twenty blog posts in my head, waiting for just the right topic to put my reclusion into remission.

I could have written about how through that journey, I learned I suffered from cryptosporidiosis, hypothyroidism, activated Epstein-Barre and a tick-borne disease called Babesia. Or I could have written about my epic breastfeeding saga or my recipe for Pronto Paleo Pizza Packs. But, none felt right for a re-emergence.

No, for my triumphant return to the blogosphere, I chose to write about…

The Coffee Enema

Fearless Parent - Coffee - Pinterest
That’s right. My return to the web is all about putting java where the sun don’t shine. I can explain.

You see, one of the naturopaths I worked with suggested that the most effective method of parasite elimination was a mysterious procedure called the coffee enema.

And I thought, I’m sorry. What-what in the butt?

And I resisted. I was the biggest skeptic out there. But a short while ago, I started work with the partner of the too soon departed Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who was friend and mentor of my client and personal hero, Dr. Kelly Brogan.

What they showed me was that the coffee enema is a thousands-year old procedure that has endless applications for vibrant health. It was even listed in the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy [1]until 1972 as a standard treatment.

After reading multiple case reports of astounding health transformations [2], I opened my mind and heart to this treatment. And…I experienced no less than a miraculous trajectory in my daily well-being.

And just in case you question my coffee enema commitment, here is the birthday card I received from my hilarious husband this year:

Fearless Parent - Coffee Enema Guide - Card

Now if you’re here, you may already be aware of the vast benefits of regular coffee enemas. But in case you need a refresher, here are just some of the documented benefits:

  • Increased energy and alertness
  • Stimulation and detoxification of congested bile ducts to support the all-important liver
  • Parasite and yeast elimination
  • Removal of gallbladder sludge and stones

Many more are listed in this article by Dr. Linda Isaacs [3] (Dr. Gonzalez’s partner), and this one by Dr. Lawrence Wilson [4].

Although I was hesitant at first, there is no question in my mind the recent resurgence in my health is in large part due to coffee enemas. However, if you’ve done them yourself, you might agree that they can be… logistically challenging.

From coffee floods in your bathroom to exploding mason jars, there are any number of exasperating, entertaining events that can transpire during this process. It epitomizes Murphy’s Law. I know because, I’ve literally experienced all of them.

As an analyst by trade, it’s in my DNA to test and refine any process, and I examine all variables in the system. With a sample size of over 150 enemas under my belt, I’ve tested every crack and crevice of this process. My scientific conclusion is there is a vortex of gravity and mishap that surrounds me at all times. But that doesn’t have to hinder you.

So now Fearless Parent readers, I offer you my entire coffee enema troubleshooting blueprint, soup to Chock Full o’Nuts.

WARNING: If you haven’t noticed already, this post is loaded with java jests and poopy puns. Proceed with caution.

Fearless Parent - Coffee Enema Guide - Funny Sign
During my experimentation, I identified six variables that affect the efficacy and sanity of the procedure. I have vetted these variables with Dr. Brogan, who kindly agreed to fact check this article and keep me honest.

The six variables are:

  1. Volume – how much liquid you’re instilling. The standard volume of each dose is 1 pint, with two doses recommended per procedure.
  2. Concentration – the ratio of coffee to water used during brewing. Standard concentration is 2 tablespoons per quart of water.
  3. Caffeination – the caffeine strength of the coffee used
  4. Duration – how long you hold each dose of coffee
  5. Temperature – the temp of the coffee
  6. Bucket height – this determines the speed with which the coffee enters your colon. 16 inches above your hiney is standard.

Any of these variables may be adjusted in order to achieve an effective procedure. Before I suggest any modifications, I will first give you exact standard preparation instructions as a starting point.

Ingredients & Equipment

Essential Equipment:

Optional Equipment:

Now let’s take a closer look at the recommended ingredients:

COFFEE – There’s a lot of debate on the kind of coffee to use. You have a choice of blonde roast, dark roast or rump roast. (Sorry, it was too easy!) Different enema equipment websites insist that blonde roast beans with maximum caffeine are best.

However a study by Molecular Nutrition & Food Research showed that darker roasts are best as it maximizes the stimulation of glutathione and antioxidant Vitamin E. Dr. Isaacs maintains that the coffee must only be organic to minimize toxins. So, I have been using dark roast Bulletproof Coffee, which carefully controls for mold and mycotoxins.

After going coffee-free on The Autoimmune Paleo Protocol for eight months, I can tell you that when I purchased my first Bulletproof Coffee I had no idea which end I’d be putting it in first. C’est la vie, non?

There’s also debate on whether pre-ground or whole bean is best; I have personally found the same results with either but if you want to err on the side of freshness, buy whole bean and grind fresh just before preparation. Also remember to keep your coffee in the fridge or freezer for maximum potency.

FILTERED WATER – You don’t want to risk putting anything unsavory in your bottom so make sure to use clean water. Berkey Filters are an excellent choice.

COFFEE ENEMA FILTER – You could use a French press or a regular coffee machine and unbleached paper filters to drain the coffee. I don’t own a coffee maker so I use the pot-boiling method, and purchased a sturdy metal coffee filter from Pure Life Enema. It is an extra fine sieve for collecting teeny coffee particles, and I find it nestles perfectly on top of my half-gallon mason jar. Speaking of which…

MASON JAR – I use only glass jars to store the booty brew. I make several days’ worth at a time and store in quart or half-gallon jars in the refrigerator.

ENEMA BUCKET – Although you can use a plastic bag or stainless steel bucket kit, I can’t recommend the glass enema bucket by PureLifeEnema enough. This kit provides the bucket, hanging harness, silicone hose, and a free pack of enema coffee. I don’t like the idea of plastic in general, nor using a bag that I can’t clean the inside of.

A stainless bucket is a healthier option than plastic; however, it does prevent you from seeing how much liquid you’ve instilled with your first dose. Finally, there have been reports of sensitivity to the nickel in stainless steel. The glass bucket is easy to observe and to clean. Do take great care handling it.

Make sure to follow the assembly instructions carefully and wet the bucket port before sliding the enema hose on. This ensures you won’t rip the tube should you need to detach it, like if you, um, forgot to install the tube clamp first. Theoretically, of course.

RUBBER COLON TUBE – The rubber tube from PureEnemaLife is much softer and more comfortable than the standard enema tip. Essential if you have a touchy tushie.

ENEMA HOSE – This attaches to the bucket port and the rubber colon tube, and comes standard with most kits. I use a 5 foot hose, which is the perfect length for me, but find what length works best for you.

ROLLING HOSE CLAMP – Many standard kits come with a snap clamp (not PurEnema’s stainless kit, however), I use a one-handed rolling clamp from Seeking Health. Unless you are an orangutan, the snap clamp can be tricky to open with one hand. I love the rolling clamp because it allows me to position the tube with one hand and easily control the flow with the other.

LUBRICANT – To allow painless passage of the colon tube. What lubricant you use is completely up to you, but I suggest something hypoallergenic and free of chemicals, fragrances or flavors. My lube of choice is the Aloe Vera Gelé by Desert Harvest. Sorry folks, no Passionate Pineapple Slip & Slide here. Desert Harvest lubricant is thick, has no artificial ingredients or preservatives, uses 100% organic aloe, and comes in a convenient pump dispenser. (Organic coconut oil works, too)

PAPER TOWELS – Let’s be clear: this process has a messy learning curve, so you’re going to need paper reinforcements.

SQUATTY POTTY – I personally believe every home needs a Squatty Potty for having proper bowel movements; I found mine to come in very handy as a headrest as I am lying on the floor. I placed a waterproof Chux pad and sheet over it as well as a small pillow.

INTIMATE EQUIPMENT SOAP – You DON’T want to use chemically-laden Dial or other sinister suds to clean your equipment. I use an coconut and essential oil-based wash by Lunette, designed for menstrual cups.

POO-POURRI SPRAY – Let’s also be clear: this procedure doesn’t exactly scent your bathroom like a rose garden. Whoever invented the idea of aromatic Poo-Pourri spray could win the Nobel Peace Prize in my book. I use a recipe for homemade poo-poo essential oil blend by ISaveAtoZ.com that helps mitigate odious odors.

NON-TOXIC DISINFECTANT – In the event of a fluid malfunction, you’ll want to clean up right. I use a silver ion-based disinfectant called PureGreen24, which is rated to kill MRSA and other nasties without killing your lungs or brain cells.

Fearless Parent - Coffee Enema Guide - Process

How to Prepare Enema Coffee

  1. Fill a saucepan with 1 quart of purified or distilled water.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per quart.
  3. Turn heat to medium-high and bring the pot to a boil.
  4. Turn down the heat and gently simmer for 13 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and replace any evaporated water to return to the original amount. This also cools the coffee faster.
  6. Once the coffee is warm, pour it in a mason jar through the coffee filter. The filter can quickly clog and overflow, so be sure to place the mason jar in a bowl. NOTE: DO NOT pour scalding hot coffee into a room-temperature mason jar. You will instantly learn an unpleasant physics lesson in thermal shock [5], where rapidly differing temperatures in glass cause critical stress fractures and bathe your kitchen in piping hot Moon Mud. In theory, of course. #totallyexplodedmymasonjar

Prep note: Since I’m lucky if I find matching socks to wear in the morning, I batch prepare my coffee to save time. You can make 4 procedures’ worth (a gallon of water and 8 tablespoons of coffee) and store 2 doses in a half gallon jar in the refrigerator for several days or the freezer. I just warm my Colon Cold Brew and use when lukewarm again!

Administering the Coffee Enema

  1. Before doing ANYTHING ELSE, make sure the hose clamp is closed. Leaving that sucker open has resulted in more than one unanticipated flood.
  2. Fill your clean enema bucket with lukewarm coffee. Too cold, and you may have trouble holding your Caboose Coolatta. Too hot, and you’ll give a new, highly painful meaning to the term “Red Eye”.
    • Incidentally, burns from scalding hot coffee during the procedure are the most popular argument against coffee enemas in general. Funny, I wouldn’t expect someone to insert a bottle of Prilosec in their tookus because of common sense; and yet if they did, I wouldn’t imagine AstraZeneca to be found at fault (this time).
  3. Hang the bucket at least 16 inches above where you’ll be laying; the bathroom doorknob provides the ideal height. You can also lay in the bathtub, but I haven’t found the shower head or tub spout the proper height. Using the harness, I tilt the bucket towards the port and hose so that gravity will pull most of the liquid out of the bucket.
  4. Lock the bathroom door. If you’re blessed with a family as curious as mine, you will very much regret not locking your door with a glass bucket and bottom full of joe on the other side. Your unwitting family can never unsee such a sight.
  5. Grab your roll of paper towel and prep the floor. I tear a sheet off to rest the colon tube on in between doses, one to wipe my hands, and a third under my backside just in case.
  6. Optional: spray homemade Poo-Pourri in your toilet for the pending purge.
  7. Put a Chux pad and sheet on the floor and over the Squatty Potty (if using).
  8. Have a book or Kindle ready. You could also turn on some music and light a candle. You might as well get comfortable. I’ve read 8 books in the last 4 months during my doody detoxes. In fact, during my first enema, I watched a video interview about coffee enemas by Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec, while using his Bulletproof Coffee! How meta is that?? #someta
  9. Attach the colon tube to the enema hose. Make sure it’s well attached; having it detach while dispensing your Be-Dunkin’ Brew is a rainshower experience you don’t want.
  10. Lie down on the floor.
  11. Lube your backside and about 6 – 10 inches of the colon tube.
  12. Here’s where the fun begins. Gently and slowly insert the first 6-10 inches of the colon tube into your backside. It must get past two sphincters; you’ll feel a bit of resistance each time. It can feel a little… intimate. You may wish your colon tube had bought you dinner first. But it should in no way feel uncomfortable or painful, or else you may wish to consult a professional. If you have a resistant rear, it helps to take a deep breath and insert the tube on the exhale. To help guide you, you can wrap a rubber band a few inches past the desired length on the tube; this way, you can hold the rubber band and know you’re hitting your mark. Just make sure not to get fluids on the rubber band or it will harbor booty baddies. [Ed. Note: I find it easy to get past the second, uh, sphincter, once the joe is flowing]
  13. When the tube is in, snap or roll the clamp open to full flow. Depending on the temperature of the coffee, you’ll feel a cooling sensation spread through your abdomen. Continue to make sure the the colon tube is securely attached; I now hold the tube and hose juncture while instilling.
  14. Watch the liquid line fall as you instill the coffee. Close the clamp when you’ve reached the halfway point.
  15. VERY slowly remove the tube and place it on a paper towel. And I mean S-L-O-O-O-W. You definitely don’t want to Yerga-Chafe your delicate derriere.
  16. Hold the liquid as best you can for 15 minutes. If this is too difficult, maintain it for a minimum of 3-4 minutes. I find I often can’t hold the first dose for this long, but can hold the second for the full 15. (If you’re able to have a bowel movement before the enema, do it… it makes it a lot easier to hold the coffee in])
  17. Get up and dispense your Crappuccino (too much?). Wipe gently with damp toilet paper or the witch hazel, if desired. I keep a spray bottle of water next to the commode for a squeaky clean keister.
  18. Return to the floor and repeat steps 11 – 16. Expel once again.
  19. You’re done; that was brisk, baby!

Coffee Enema Cleanup

  1. Wash hands THO-ROUGH-LY. You don’t want to touch anything until you’ve scrubbed your mitts.
  2. Pull the colon tube off the hose over the sink; anywhere else and you’ll get a refreshing Starbucks Shower.
  3. Clean the colon tube thoroughly. I cleanse it with Lunette wash, then rinse with hydrogen peroxide, then water. Every few weeks I boil the colon tube for 10 minutes for a deep clean.
  4. Put the colon tube to dry in safe place. Maybe not over your toilet, unless you want your colon tube to take refreshing dive into the porcelain lagoon, ahem.
  5. Wash and rinse the bucket with the cleanser and hot water. Then, fill the bucket with hot water.
  6. Hold bucket with one hand as high as you can, open the clamp and let the water and coffee remnants fully drain into the sink.
  7. Once empty, wipe the bucket dry with fresh paper towel. Store in a safe place where your toddler won’t use it to hold his crayons.
  8. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You can lose a lot of fluid during an enema, so I drink a mixture of 8 oz. water with 8 oz. coconut water to replace any lost electrolytes.

Coffee Enema Troubleshooting

So, throughout these instructions you may have gotten the sense that I’ve encountered a snafu or twenty with this procedure. I’ve given you the exact blueprint for successful enemas that I use daily.

But, you may be encountering entanglements of your own. Below I’ve addressed the other issues I and others have experienced. So, let’s dive into…

Fearless Parent - Coffee Enema Guide - Troubleshooting
I CAN’T HOLD THE ENEMA! – This is the number one (or two, as it were) obstacle that I (and some Fearless friends) have faced with the procedure. Here is where you can begin to experiment with the five variables.

VOLUME – Try reducing the volume of liquid. This was my primary issue; after adjusting all of the other variables, I tried using half of the liquid and I was able to hold it for much longer. Just remember: if you’re reducing the liquid volume, you must have your bucket at 16 inches or higher to ensure gravity will help the liquid flush your bowels.

CONCENTRATION – The coffee ratio may be too strong for you. Try diluting it down to 1 tablespoon coffee per quart of water.

DURATION – Ideally holding each session at least 3 to 4 minutes. You can also add black strap molasses to the brew while it’s warm, but I haven’t found this to help me personally. The key to efficacy is doing two doses in one session; so even if its two rounds of 4 minutes each, you will still experience benefits..

TEMPERATURE – As previously mentioned, you want to channel Goldilocks with this stuff and find the sweet spot. It’s much harder to hold when super chilly. Another option is timing. If you’re doing the enema after not having pooped all day, it may be hard to hold. Try doing it right after a bowel movement, or doing a clean water enema first to flush you out. A curious toddler can make this challenging, so I do it the second 30 minutes frees up.

COFFEE ENEMAS MAKE ME JITTERY! – This is common with the first few enemas, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine like I am. To acclimate, I prepared my coffee half-caf for the first few rounds, blending Bulletproof regular and decaffeinated coffee.

THERE IS BLOOD IN MY STOOL! – You may be inserting or removing the tube from your rear too quickly. Even though it is uber-soft, the opening can scratch delicate rectal tissue. If that happens, I suggest giving your bottom a break so that it has time to heal. I use a dab of coconut oil to soothe and assist with healing.

I CAN TASTE COFFEE IN MY MOUTH! – This is also extremely common, where placing odorous substances like coffee or garlic in nether regions (don’t ask) can trigger a flavor sensation. It’s perfectly normal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

I SAW A WEIRD-LOOKING [FILL IN THE BLANK] IN MY POOP! – Erm…can’t help you there. I’m not a physician and am unable to identify the sorts of weirdness that can exit one’s body. Please consult your medical professional.

Additional Reading

If you’d like to learn more about the mysterious and marvelous coffee enema, here are a few posts I found helpful whilst getting started:

Final Thoughts

At first, I found this process onerous, odious, and odorous. There is coffee in places in my home that I will likely never reach with a scrub brush. And, I seriously questioned whether I had the fartifortitude to forge ahead with my Money Maker Macchiatos.

But now that I have mastered the process, it is a time of day I look forward to. It is a rare 30 minutes that I have to quiet the chatter in my mind and actually read a book. Afterward, I feel energetic and renewed.

I was hesitant to write such an irreverent post on a subject about a procedure people use to save their lives, especially on a blog with very serious subject matter. But after careful thought, I realized that I had neglected to laugh for almost all of 2014.

And laughter is a most powerful elixir.

Therefore, it is my wish that this post has served you well, and helped put the “yuck” in hyuck. By carefully following this blueprint, one day soon, the best part of waking up will be Folger’s in your…ok, I won’t.


Fearless Parent - Contributor - Lea at Maverick Kitchen

Lea is Head Chef of MavericKitchen, a tasty thinktank where she dishes up thought-provoking ideas about holistic health, positive parenting and slow food for fast families. She is a seasoned digital marketer and doting mother of the monolithic Judgey Bear, her darling deputy in smoking out sneaky toxins in the food we eat and products we use. She resides in the lush gardens of Central New Jersey where she feverishly hunts down elusive farmers markets and pastured egg purveyors.

Please note: I am not a medical professional and I do not play one on TV. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods, supplements or protocols have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] Bedside procedures. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. 9th ed. Rahway, NJ: Merck & Co, Inc; 1956:1747-1748.
[2] Gonzalez, Nicholas J, and Linda L Isaacs. “The Gonzalez therapy and cancer: A collection of case reports.” Alternative therapies in health and medicine 13.1 (2007): 46.
[3] Isaacs, Linda L. “Helping the Body Detoxify.”
[4] Wilson, Lawrence. “Coffee Enemas.” (2011).
[5]Thermal shock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” 2011. 14 Dec. 2015

The post MavericKitchen’s Guide to Coffee Enemas appeared first on Kelly Brogan MD.

from Kelly Brogan MD http://ift.tt/1Uke7vA

Friday, May 27, 2016

Bikepacking on the Wild Trails of Britain

From Ireland to Britain: Bikepacking on the Wild Trails of Britain takes you & your bike on the most beautiful multi-day rides in Wales, Scotland and England.


Bikepacking is a big trend these days (check the The Bikepacking Framebag Manufacturer List to see how to transform your bike into a bikepacking rig) so it was a nice surprise as I was contacted by Wild Things Publishing and a question if they could use one of my photos in the book. Sure they could! As a wee thank you they sent me a copy of the book, and as I love alternative travel guide books Bikepacking on the Wild Trails of Britain was right up my alley.

It is another beautiful book that will inspire you to pack up your bike and head to Britain in order to ride one (or more!) of the presented trips. From Epic Wilderness Rides over Family Rides to Technical & Coastal Trails, the book presents 30 trips which range from a night to a week or riding in the countryside of Britain. The book starts off with an introduction to bikepacking and some history, some stories to get you in the mood, tips on gear - including a cool short chapter on tarps! - and how to plan a ride. In short: All you need to get on your bike and head out for a night or more in the wild. After the introduction it takes you on the different rides, which make up the majority of the book. These are sorted by regions in the UK - from the South East to the South West of England to the Midlands, Scotland and Wales. A map of the UK in the beginning highlights where these trips are to be found (good for planning) and a table on the next page gives quick overview of relevant data about the rides - including distance, ascent and how many percent of the ride are off-road.


I loved the very well designed info boxes which had all needed information ready with one look, a small map which gave a good idea of the ride (though you’ll need a real map for your adventure) and the beautiful photos. The trip descriptions are entertaining little trip reports in their own which will make you anticipate your own ride even more. All in all a unique book that is beautifully designed & presented. If you’re into bikepacking and want to go to Britain for a wee adventure or more, this book is a recommended read!

Buy it directly from Wild Things Publishing or Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de.

Disclaimer: The book was sent for free to me by the publisher. This does not influence the article as I maintain full editorial control of the content published on this site. There are affiliate links in this article. Read the Transparency Disclaimer for more information on affiliate links & blogger transparency.

from Hiking in Finland http://ift.tt/25q15Fr

Exploring Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way

Is the Wild Atlantic Way on your bucket list? Then you want to grab this travel guide to Ireland’s wild west coast!

Wild Atlantic Way Cover

Last year I was lucky enough to explore Ireland, hike the IAT and go sea stack climbing. What caught my interest and brought me to the Green Isle, however, was the Wild Atlantic Way: The world’s longest coastal touring route which goes from south to north along the west coast and is over 2.500 km long. There’s all kind of adventures to be had along the WAW, from visits in picturesque Irish villages and their pubs to bigger towns and their cultural offerings. However, Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way helps you find the off-the-beaten-track gems and takes you outdoors into the fresh, Irish air (and occasional rain shower!).

On 224 pages Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way takes you from the south in Kinsale to the far north of Malin Head along the coast. In seven chapters - divided by county - you can start to explore the Wild Atlantic Way. Do you fancy surfing, sea stack climbing and lots of remote wilderness? Then head to Donegal in the north. Do you prefer a cable car ride to an island, trying your luck fishing or going cycling? Then Cork in the south is a good place to start your adventures! Wherever you decide to go, Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way will have an insider tip ready for you. The seven county chapters are further divided into sections, each coming with their own little overview map to give you a feel of the land. Hundreds of gorgeous photos will get you in the mood to explore, while the detailed introduction chapter gives tips on when to come, what to bring and any other question you may have.

Wild Atlantic Way Inside

Ireland is beautiful, and Exploring Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way helps you discover the green isle beyond the hustle and bustle of Dublin and the other big towns. Jam-packed with beautiful photos that inspire to visit the described places on Ireland’s west coast this book helps you plan your ultimate outdoor adventure itinerary. Three Rocks Books has created another stunning book which showcases some of the best scenery, sights and places in Ireland, and no matter if you plan to explore the Wild Atlantic Way on a roadtrip, by bike or public transportation, it will make sure you will see the true Wild Atlantic Way. My tip: Book a flight to Ireland the same time you order this book!

Buy it directly from Three Rocks Books or from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de.

Disclaimer: The book was sent for free to me by the publisher. This does not influence the article as I maintain full editorial control of the content published on this site. There are affiliate links in this article. Read the Transparency Disclaimer for more information on affiliate links & blogger transparency.

from Hiking in Finland http://ift.tt/20JLjyG

Yosemite in the Fifties

Big walls, inspiring stories, epic climbing photos - that’s Yosemite in the Fifties in a nutshell.

Yosemite in the Fifties Cover

“Show me a climber who doesn’t know Yosemite and I show you someone who doesn’t climb.” OK, I made that up, but there’s a hint of truth in that: Climbers from across the globe know the view down the valley on El Cap, heard about the epic Dawn Wall climb of Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson in 2015, and just long to stand underneath the towering granite walls of El Capitain before also they will start to scale it. Yosemite in the Fifties transportes you back in time to the iron age of climbing history in the valley, when climbers where pushing the envelope of what had been thought possible and established the routes we still climb today.

The book is a collection of beautiful photos of the valley, the protagonists and their climbs, all taken with cameras that relied on the skill & knowledge of the operator. In between these inspiring photos are four chapters with over a dozen essays. These essays are from original source material - first-person narratives and anecdotes of the climbers and their friends, interspersed with archive photos and shots of memorabilia from back in the day. Stories range from a history of climbing tools over portraits to historic climbing routes. With over 200 pages and twenty essays Yosemite in the Fifties is captivating for a long time and a book one can go back to time & again to let the imagination wander off once more while looking at the old photos or reading one of the adventurous stories.

Yosemite in the Fifties Inside

Climbing in Yosemite is high on my bucket list so Yosemite in the Fifties is a book I enjoyed immensely. It’s a tasteful combination of visuals and stories, many written by John Long, one of climbing’s best writers. If climbing in Yosemite is something you also aspire to, I think you should pick up this beautiful coffee table book and immerse yourself into the history of the Iron Age of climbing in the valley. The stories and little anecdotes will surely be something that will make your wish to go to Yosemite even stronger, and once you’re standing on a ledge on El Cap Tower you will remember this book, it stories, and smile - because now you are there, and become part of its history!

Buy it directly from Patagonia or Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de.

Disclaimer: The book was sent for free to me by the publisher. This does not influence the article as I maintain full editorial control of the content published on this site. There are affiliate links in this article. Read the Transparency Disclaimer for more information on affiliate links & blogger transparency.

from Hiking in Finland http://ift.tt/1TMJa4n

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Five SAS Grads

Five SAS grads gather at the Graduation Party for Jasmine Root, Ken's daughter. Economics Major, Willamette University Class of 2016. Left to Right: Sam Brodland '75, Chuck Root '68, Sue Root '69, Lee Root '70 and Ken Root '72

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1Wl7ooK

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How She Gets It Done: A Day In The Life


Getting in the flow

Ever notice that the less you do, the less you get done? And, somehow, when you’re in the flow, you can almost stretch time with the efficiency of your execution? Like the more you do, the more you can do? Can we expand to encompass even more than we thought possible?

There is so much mental white noise energy that we waste on worrying about what we have to get done and all we aren’t doing, that if we just cleared that up, we’d see all of these energetic holes appear in our schedule that we never perceived before.

This white noise has a name – it’s called “stress”. In many ways, stress is just a lack of faith. It’s a rupture of trust in the process. It’s your mind saying, “you may not have what you need to get what you want”. It’s the conditionality of “if only I do/have/make this happen, I will feel ok.” It’s fear of what would happen if you let go of the wheel. None of this helps you in any way. Ever. It promises to, but don’t take the bait.

Since I’ve worked to rewire my stress response through kundalini yoga, I’ve found that my productivity has skyrocketed without trying – I get more done with less effort. Sounds good right?

I’ve had many readers ask me about my daily routine given the various hats I wear. I’d love to give you a sneak peak and assure you that we can all stretch our time balloons if we align with our power and drop into the flow. Don’t worry, I’ll give you some pointers.

At the risk of reading like a precious scroll of privilege and entitlement, I’ll share my daily grind with the important caveat that it’s not a grind anymore. I’ve worked hard to shed the frazzled, busy-addicted, stress-junky I once was. Here’s what it looks like these days:

My morning routine

5:45am: My alarm goes off even though I come into consciousness, typically 3-4 minutes before then if I go to bed by 10!

I brush my teeth (I like Earthpaste!) and head onto my cushion to meditate

I eyeball my phone but don’t take a deep dive into messages or email. Technological triage only. I check for any urgent clinical matters, family or friend outreach, and activism-related happenings. I may delete some emails and scan a text, but only if I don’t have to engage in it.

5:50-6:30: This is my daily practice. I tune in with the Adi Mantra, then after 5-8 minutes of warmups I’ll dive into a 40 day meditation I’ve committed to like Kirtan Kriya or Sat Kriya, and then add on what inspires me but usually a kundalini pranayama like one-minute breath or one specific to something I’m working on like building intuition.

I hold this practice like a gem in my pocket for the rest of the day. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

6:30-7: My girleez wake up. If they wake up before I’m done with sadhana, they know to spectate in silence ; )

6:50-7:10: I dry brush before my shower, and oil pull while I’m in there. I don’t have tremendous product loyalty, and I sometimes use apple cider vinegar and baking soda to wash my mop of hair, but these days I’m using Neem shampoo and conditioner.

I do the world a favor and apply my favorite deodorant, and am loving Floracopeia’s facial oils.

On weekends, I have my coffee the other way, sometimes while chatting with my kids (I am saving money for future psychotherapy, don’t worry). They know their mama is a health nut. Emphasis on nut.

7:20-7:40: We eat breakfast. I have a glass of sole on mornings that I feel inspired to and a turmeric latte on others.

We make smoothies, pancakes, or plain old eggs and spinach.

I pack the girls and my lunches (why is this the worst part of the day?!) and usually send them chicken stock, coconut yogurt or pastured meat slices and fruit/seaweed/nuts.

My office is an oasis

8-9:15: I head to the train to commute into Manhattan.

On the train, I use my time.

I write if I am feeling inspired. I read what calls to me. I keep a ridiculous number of tabs open on 3 different browsers. I use Google tasks, Basecamp, and Evernote, and I do the best I can to clear my unread emails as they assault befall my inbox.

9:30-4:30: For many years of my life, I worked at the hospital and my office, seeing patients into the night. Then, one day, I was done with that model. I made a decision, owned it, and everything has been harmonious since.

My office is an oasis. It feels good to my soul to be there.

I fill a liter bottle with Mountain Valley water to drink during the day, I turn on my salt lamp and my Biomat, and I get to work.

I see patients, I do interviews, I meet with thinkers and gamechangers. I feel deeply grateful for a purpose-driven career.

I don’t make enough time for lunch (a work in progress), but I’ll often bring sardines, avocado, and sauerkraut with sunflower seeds, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Try it, seriously.

Before heading back to the train, I sweat it out at SoulCycle, or take a Hip Hop class back home. I love to dance.

Powering down

Once home, I do my very best to unplug until after my girls are in bed at around 8:30.

Dinner is simple, something like meatsauce over sweet potatoes. We eat together, with my parents who have graciously and selflessly agreed to participate in my Continuum Concept efforts to recreate the tribe.

By 9:30 (yes, only an hour of adult life post girl bedtime!), I develop time awareness in an acute way, and I work to power down and get in bed by 10. Everything, and I mean everything is better when that happens.

I used to work until 1am and scram out the door with a piece of toast in hand. Yeah, that didn’t work so well.

Often, as you’re transitioning to worshiping the god of bedtime, you have to start by forcing yourself to get up early. It hurts for about 3 minutes, I promise. Then you will shift your rhythm enough to bust that second wind you’ll get around 9:30pm. Then you can finally embrace the circadian cycle that has been begging you for recognition since your teens.

We are designed to get up early. Pre-dawn, in fact. Our ancestors rose with the shift in temperature of the earth. Morning sadhana puts you in a meditative state during a critical neuroendocrine shift in your daily cycle. This changes everything. It has anti-aging effects, hormonal benefits, and sends psychospiritual signals of calm to your system.

What helps generate the flow

1. Silent meditation – Fake it till you make it. If you take time to walk in nature 1-2x/month for 2-4 hours, you send your psyche the meta-signal of abundance. Look how much time I have, I can walk around outside and do nothing! And I mean nothing – no pen, paper, music, phone, friends. When your mind tries to run your to-do list or solve the world’s problems, just whisper, shhhhhhhh.

2. Dance with your to-dos – Perspective is everything. Treat your day like a fun game. If unexpected things crop up, dance with them. Don’t say no…don’t resist. Just move with it, through it, and beyond it. Act with purpose, deliberately, and clearly. Trust that you have what it takes to meet anything that crosses your path. Make “I’ve got this” your mantra.

3. Align – I have come to see fatigue as often a sign of incomplete alignment with self and/or a given activity and/or a symptom of mismatch. For example, I hate food shopping. I think my soul knows there is something wrong with driving to a building and exchanging paper for food I didn’t procure. I yawn all the way to Whole Foods. Every. Time. But, at my office, I feel like I’m plugged into a live wire, I have so much energy.

When you feel tired, irritable, checked out, ask if there’s something you need to see there. Are you doing what is in your best and highest? How can you break out? What can you reexamine? What are you here to do?

4. Delegate – Many of us just do things the way we do them. We imagine that finding another way would take too much time and effort, even if that other way promised to serve. It took me a long time to release enough control to ask for help. Do what you love. If you find laundry meditative, great. If you want to do your own taxes, do your thing. If not, delegate. Personally, I’m not into housework (shocker), managing my schedule, cleaning my office, or generally doing anything that I can hire someone more skilled to do for less than I can generate in the hour it takes to do it. Create energetic space.

5. Feng shui – This one, I’ve learned the hard way. Order sends a meta-signal of peace. I probably don’t need to search in my black hole of a purse for 10 minutes for my wallet. I can just dedicate one pocket to it, consistently. If my desk is clear, my mind will follow. Let go of what you don’t need. If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in 6 months, do a purge and give it away. Get basic. Put things where they go. And make your damn bed (says Kelly to herself).

I’ve learned that “I don’t have time” is code for “I don’t really want to.” Sometimes it just takes being honest with ourselves to let go of what we aren’t ready to embrace. But don’t take my word for it, listen to yourself. You are your best and only life manager. What are your tricks to living in the flow and doing just what you need to?

Recipes Mentioned

Serves 1

pancakes1⁄2 cup cooked sweet potato or winter squash (such as butternut, acorn, or kabocha), or 1 banana
3 large pastured eggs
2 tablespoons hemp seeds, fax seeds, or nut butter
Virgin coconut oil

Instructions:Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Spoon silver-dollar size dollops into medium heat coconut oil. They cook quickly!

Serves 1

kb-smoothie1⁄2 cup frozen organic cherries or other berries
8 ounces coconut water, or filtered water
3 tablespoons collagen hydrolysate (as a protein base)
1 tablespoon sprouted nut butter or sunflower seed butter
3 large pastured egg yolks
1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
1 to 2 tablespoons grass-fed ghee
1 to 2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder

Instructions: Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Note: Collagen hydrolysate is a protein food supplement high in the amino acids glycine, proline, and lycine. It comes as a dry powder.

Serves 4 to 6

meat-sauce1 bunch kale, stems removed and leaves torn
1 bunch fresh cilantro
1 onion, chopped
3 beets, scrubbed and chopped
4 carrots, chopped
4 celery sticks, chopped
2 tablespoons grass-fed ghee
1 pound organic grass-fed ground bison or beef
1 24-ounce glass bottle organic crushed tomatoes
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
Unprocessed sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Instructions: Combine the kale, cilantro, onion, beets, carrots, and celery in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped but not pureed. Melt the ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the vegetables and sauté until the onion is translucent, about 3 minutes. Add the bison and cook, stirring and breaking it apart with the spoon, until browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the crushed tomatoes and turmeric and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes to allow flavors to combine. Serve over squash, quinoa, or broccoli.

The post How She Gets It Done: A Day In The Life appeared first on Kelly Brogan MD.

from Kelly Brogan MD http://ift.tt/1TxSiMb

Changes to Uniform Sales: August 1-5, 2016

All sales will be made via the SAS PTA's online store: http://ift.tt/1s8ZzWE that will re-open on July 28, 2016. Pay for uniforms using credit cards or Paypal. There will be no cash transactions. Collect your uniform orders on campus from August 1-5 in high school gym 1.

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/25gbMH9

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coffee Morning with MayaThiagarajan

Educator and author, Maya Thiagarajan (MEd '01) has lived and worked in India, Singapore, and the US. She began her teaching career with Teach For America and then spent a decade teaching in some of America's most prestigious independent schools. In 2010, Maya moved to Singapore to teach at the United World College of South East Asia (UWC).

In addition to her work in the classroom, Maya writes and speaks widely on parenting and education. She is the author of Beyond The Tiger Mom: East-West Parenting for the Global Age. On May 24, she will speak with the Harvard community about integrating learning in the home. Specifically, she'll help parents consider ways to create learning cultures in their homes, and she will provide parents with research-backed strategies to help children develop strong foundations in math and reading, as well as an enduring love of learning.

24 May 2016 - 10:30am to 12pm - Morning Coffee with author Maya Thiagarajan (HGSE '01)
The Tanglin Club
5 Stevens Road  
Singapore 257814

Contact: Rebecca Woo (rwoo89@post.harvard.edu) (COL '89, HUAAS Committe Member)

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/1TyH053

Test ES Bulletin

Wednesday, May 25

Tech about

May 25-27 (Tues-Thurs) - G3, G4, G5 iPads will be collected in i108 and i110

May 30 - G5 MBP Carts will be rolled to P303

May 31 - G3-G4 Classroom MBPs will be returned to P303

May 31 - Science & GATE MBPs will be returned to P303

June 1 - K-2 iPads + Headphones will be returned to P302

All Labs will be closed for the remainder of the year.

Creation Stations in the Loft closed on Thursday June 2


New  from: Finance Department (and Bookroom)

All classroom printers (color) will be collected and replaced with new monochrome printers over the summer.  As such, the bookroom will not be ordering any more ink cartridges for your existing classroom printers (but please do not go out to buy them either - because they’ll only go to waste).

If you have run out of ink, please consider using the network printers in the office or the library.  

Or send an ‘SOS’ through marketplace - there must be lots of spare ink cartridges from the first round phase-out.

Kindly submit all invoices and reimbursements by first week of June for it to be captured in this school year's budget.

Bookroom:  Please make your final purchases from the bookroom by 27th May (Fri)



Celebration Party HatsES Happy Hour

Please join us on Friday, 27 May at Picotin, 60 Fairways Dr, S286966 for the Elementary End of Year Happy Hour. Thank you for your rsvp. If you have not yet responded and wish to attend please contact your Division Secretary. See you there! From your ES Admin Team.



Spirit Days

Friday May 27th is the final Spirit Day hosted by our Grade 5 Student Council this year. Friday’s theme is Sports Day. Please join the students by wearing your sports kit this Friday!

The Student Council share more information in this short video. (1:30mins)



REPORT CARD DATES - update. Please note change in dates below:

Please note the following deadlines:

Withdrawing Students’ Report Cards are due Tuesday, May 24th.

Report card grades and comments are due in Power School at 8am on Monday 30 May.

Peer Editing - PLCs will peer edit during their planning time on Monday 30 May. Editing needs to take place through PowerSchool to ensure comments fit within the given space on the final copy.  

Final report card edits are due by 4pm on Tuesday, 31 May. No further changes can be made after this time.



Dear Elementary Teachers: 

The PTA Book Fair Team is already gearing up for next year’s book fair in November!

Could you please poll your class and determine what their Top 10 Favorite Books/Series are?

Also, let us know if you have any special requests. We know that teachers are customers as well.

Email your responses to saspta.bookfair@gmail.com by May 27th.


Thank you for your time,

Amy Thompson and Rashmi Dalai

SAS PTA Book Fair Co-Chairs




Chris Barton Book Order Form

All library materials are now due back as of  Wednesday, May 18th. Library classes and checkouts will also stop then for us to reorganize and re-shelve all of our collection. This is an SAS-compulsory inventory year for us, which means we need to account for each and every item in our ECC-GR5 85,000 item collection. Teacher materials can stay in your classroom, but we will need all other books returned.

If you need to know what materials you have out, please log in to the catalog using your username (ie acuthbert) and your password. ECC-G2 Password: fish GR3-5 Password: gecko IA Password: eagle

Please let us know if you need help with this.

Coaches Corner

Math PD Opportunities

How to Learn Math (free)

How to Learn Math: For Parents and Teachers

Online classes from Youcubed, co-founded by Jo-Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University


Math Enrichment 3-5

The current  ME class list is located here.  If you have students that need enrichment outside of what occurs in your class, please find the NEWLY ALIGNED packets located here:

                Grade 3 packets                       Grade 4 packets                        Grade 5 packets

As there are no more ME nominations this time of year, please feel free to use the packets for in-class enrichment as needed.  I think it's best not to send them home as an entire packet as the materials may still be used in the future.  Please feel free to work on these in small groups or as a whole class, and confer with students as needed to challenge and engage them in their math thinking. I am happy to help you in any way, and am working to create more in-class enrichment activities.   Please don't hesitate to ask me for support if you need it! More information on the math enrichment program can be found on my blog - click here.



16-17 Local Orders (next year’s)

Teachers and IAs,

  • Local orders are due to Cheryl the Monday you get back from spring break (Monday, 28th March).

  • Beacon Order forms should have been sent to you. If you do not have one, please request for one from Cheryl (ext. 6109; email cwong@sas.edu.sg).

  • Catalogs are still available from ES-A or ES-B offices or online links are on the left panel of this site.  

  • For other local agents such as for PACON or NASCO, please request for separate order forms (do not use Beacon forms as exchange rate and shipping charges are different)

  • Once you are done working on your orders, please remember to share it back with Cheryl - cwong@sas.edu.sg to signal that you have completed.

Please do not hesitate to call or see Cheryl if you need any further clarification or information.  Thank you.



Printers and Ink:

Please note that we are coming to the end of our contract with Fuji Xerox and will be changing our desktop printers in late May or June. Please do not stock up on ink cartridges as the new printers will require different cartridges - consider trading and borrowing with teammates to use up the current stock.  Many thanks!



Hey I'm Gonna Be OUT!

If you are going to be "out" (not in your regular daily role) for any reason (i.e. you are sick, you are in the building but attending a professional development session, you are on release time to do some work, you are attending a conference in or out of Singapore, you are stepping out to run an errand etc.) we are asking that you notify us in advance.  We have created this link for you to do just that Hey I'm Gonna Be OUT!

* This link can also be found on the left side panel under the label

‘Staff Attendance & Schedules’




As you know, our security officers are under instructions to refuse anyone (and/or their vehicle) who is unable to provide proof of their identity and association with SAS. For consistency of notification and accuracy of information, please pre-register your visitors and their vehicles (at least 1-day in advance) by clicking here.

Should you have VIP guests requiring special access or parking arrangements, please highlight or contact Isaac and his team directly.




Please use updated claim form - please print from the link on the left -  (copies are available from receptionists)




The Office of Learning has streamlined and updated the Professional Learning Handbook.  

The link to the information as well as an electronic form for application/submission is now found on the ES Daily Bulletin (left panel), under ‘Professional Learning’.

The electronic form will utilize docusign in order to make the process much more efficient and timely.

Professional Learning Coordinator, Sylvie Duval (ext. 6305), at the Office of Learning (OOL) is the point person.

The Office of Learning is in the process of launching a website which will contain all Professional Learning information, news of upcoming events and useful links - coming soon!

*in the meantime, please discard all paper forms and sign-up online with immediate effect.



Sick Leave

Please remember to contact your Deputy Principal if you are going to be out sick. Thanks.




There is now a new system in place at the bookroom.

Needless to say, the bookroom staff will need your cooperation (and patience) during its initial phase.

  • You will now require your staff cards to make purchases.

  • Your staff card will need to be scanned, for the purpose of accuracy of recording your ID#
    (verbally providing your staff ID# or using someone else’s ID is discouraged)

  • IAs purchasing on behalf of your teachers will have your cards scanned and purchases will be recorded as taken for your department.  (no monies will be deducted from your personal accounts!)

  • For IAs purchasing for multiple teachers, it will then be advisable to keep purchases separate and request for individual receipts so that you can keep a record for each teacher.

  • The Finance department will provide monthly bookroom reports based solely from records of staff ID#s scanned.  Balances given will be for an entire department i.e. there will be no more individual balances reflected of each team member - we can however, sort the data given, to identify the staff who made the purchases, to track expenses).

Important note: The above points are as much information as I have managed to gather so far from my conversations with the kind people at the finance dept., bookroom and feedback from some of you who had visited the bookroom yesterday.  

At this time, I am unsure as to how I will be processing the bookroom balances in your budget spreadsheets to reflect individual spending within your teams - so I would ask that you request for a receipt each time you make a purchase and perhaps designate a person to file these to cross-reference them against the monthly reports in order to track individual spending and balances.

from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/20z7Lu9

Station Square | Metrotown Condo | Burnaby Real Estate

Station Square, by Anthem Properties and Beedie Living is Metrotown’s exciting new mixed-use and residential development. Station Square will feature 5 significant towers from 35-57 storeys offering phenomenal views. Located in the centre of Metrotown, you will have instant access to everything you need:

Skytrain, shopping, grocers, cafes, entertainment and multiple restaurants. The first tower was an immediate success with just a few spectacular homes still available.

The post Station Square | Metrotown Condo | Burnaby Real Estate appeared first on Vancouver Real Estate by Mike Stewart 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Vancouver Real Estate by Mike Stewart 604-763-3136 http://ift.tt/1WMB7a4

Asparagus & Courgette Cauliflower Flatbread {GF}


Exam season is over for another year. I’ve only got to do it for 2 more years and then I promise I’ll never have to complain about revision EVER AGAIN!

Now I know what you’re thinking ‘Oh god, cauliflower pizza why are you doing this’. I’m here to say that it is not and will never be a pizza. I even hate it when people think of Dominos as ‘pizza’ (it’s just sugar sauce on top of cardboard..). SO when you remove the expectation of it being pizza and think of it more like a thin cauliflower frittata with vegetables and cheese on top, it gets real real good. Frittatas are like my go-to thing for when I don’t know what to make and/or have a very random assortment of vegetable which need using up. This…uhhh… flatbread (?) is basically the same.


It’s just another quick weeknight option for dinner if you’re clearing out the fridge. The base comes together easily with a bit of mixing and is double baked – once without the topping and again to let the veg/cheese cook so it gets nice crispy edges 🙂 ALSO p.s. it actually keeps in the fridge for about 2 days and reheats well in the oven (I reheated it at 180 C for 10 minutes) so you can make the whole recipe and, if you don’t have anyone to share with, can just keep the rest for lunch!


Asparagus & Courgette Cauliflower Flatbread {GF}
Serves: 1-2 portions
  • Base ingredients:
  • 300g riced cauliflower (pre-riced or blended in a food processor)
  • 1 egg
  • generous pinch of salt
  • generous pinch of dried mixed herbs
  • 40g gram flour aka chickpea flour (or whole spelt flour if you're not GF)
  • Toppings:
  • ½ a courgette, cut into 2mm thick coins
  • ~75g fresh mozzarella, torn into thin strips
  • 4 tbsp passata or tomato sauce
  • generous pinch of salt & black pepper
  • 3 stalks of asparagus, ribboned with a peeler
  • handful of rocket (arugula)
  • shaved cheese (I used cheddar cos I ran out of Parmesan)
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F) and line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  2. Mix together the base ingredients adding a splash of water if the mixture seems too dry. Dump the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and pat it out into a circle or oval about 5mm thick. Place into the oven and bake for 20 minutes while you prepare the toppings.
  3. Once the base is baked, spread the passata out over the surface and top with the courgette coins and mozzarella. Season with salt & pepper. Turn the oven up to 200 C (400 F) and bake for 10-15 minutes until the cheese has melted and is starting to turn golden brown.
  4. Top with the shaved asparagus, rocket and shaved cheese. Cut into wedges and eat!
  5. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. Reheat on a baking tray at 180 C (350 F) for around 10 minutes.


The post Asparagus & Courgette Cauliflower Flatbread {GF} appeared first on Izy Hossack - Top With Cinnamon.

from Izy Hossack – Top With Cinnamon http://ift.tt/1NJHOa0

Monday, May 23, 2016

Going Green In Your Bathroom Space?

Vanity Storage Solutions


Remodeling your bathroom should result in a space that is beautiful, relaxing, and useful. A good way to make that happen is by investing in a vanity with plenty of storage. When a bathroom doesn’t have enough storage space, it leads to clutter and frustration.

There are many options for bathroom storage (shelving units, linen closets, etc.), but the vanity provides one of the best storage solutions. Most accessories are used with either the bathroom mirror or the sink. When remodeling your bathroom, be sure to select your vanity with its storage capabilities in mind.

Not everyone needs the same amount of storage in their bathroom, so it is important to select the vanity that best fits your needs. When making that selection, take these vanity storage options into consideration.

Drawers & Doors

Because they are both easily accessible and provide plenty of space for bathroom necessities, the most common vanity storage comes in the form of drawers and doors beneath the vanity. Using interior shelves or door-mounted organizers can also create additional space within the vanity.

vanity storage

Image Source: onekindesign.com

The Sink Situation

Sinks and their plumbing take up quite a bit of space in the bathroom, but figuring out the best location for your sink can provide additional storage space. Storage in small vanities is best optimized when the sink is offset to create room for drawers on the opposite side. Large vanities with one centered sink create space for drawers on either side.

Using two sinks is helpful if multiple people need to get ready in the morning, but it also means that the plumbing is doubled and decreases the amount of storage space. A solution for this problem could be a vessel sink. A vessel sink sits above the counter, which allows for more storage room below. If you like the look of small or double sink vanities but don’t want to sacrifice storage space, consider using a vessel sink.

vanity with vessel sinks

Image Source: tryscratch.com

The Medicine Cabinet

Recessed cabinets behind the bathroom mirror allows for easier access to bathroom necessities and increases your bathroom vanity storage space.

If you already have a medicine cabinet or small bathroom mirror hanging above your wide vanity, consider using the extra wall space for shelves. Vertical storage is a great way to save on space without additional clutter in the bathroom. Adjustable shelves gives you the freedom to change your storage space as your needs change.

vanity medicine cabinet

Image Source: safarimp.com

Shelves Galore

Shelving units can either have doors or open shelves. Doors supply clean, hidden storage while open shelves grant easy access to accessories. Open shelves would be a great option in a guest bathroom so that guests can easily find where extra toiletries are kept.

bathroom shelves storage

Image Source: homedesignetc.com


Contributed by: Aaron Gruenke, author and foremost expert in bathroom fixtures and design.


The post Vanity Storage Solutions appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/1TsXpNz

The Week In Review 236

“You learn a lot when you’re barefoot. The first thing is every step you take is different.” - Michael Franti

Luna Sandals Mono


It’s spring, lakes and rivers are open and you are pondering which packraft to get? I know the feeling. Good thing the Packrafting Store has created the most awesome fully-interactive comparison chart which lists all their packrafts from super-ultralight to cargo carriers for the whole family. Use it to find the right packraft for your needs, sorted by size, weight and best use, rated from robustness to Whitewater capability and see what the different accessories weigh. After you made up your mind click the packraft and get directly to the prduct page and find out even more about your chosen raft. I know I’d wish there’d been something like this when I started packrafting years ago!

Packrafting Store Comparison Chart

Help LAUFBURSCHE and win a SUL Cuben Fiber huckePÄCKchen!

I am a cyclist. I am here to fuck you up.

Share your favourite Weekend Bikepacking Route and win some sweet prizes.

Dean Potter, 1972–2015.

How Chris McCandless Died.

Alex Lowe’s Son Reflects on Finding Closure.

Candide Thovex skis in spring conditions.

The Enormocast with Ines Papert.

A good Motion Timelapse Tutorial.

Check out these hand-made leather sandals from VIVOBAREFOOT.

Adjustments on and off the trail.

Books for the 21st Century Environmentalist.

Bunyan Velo Issue 6 is out!

How Neuroscientists Explain the Mind-Clearing Magic of Running.

Get $30 Off the Fre Power Case From LifeProof which gives your iPhone 6 complete protection plus 2X Battery Life. Oh, and there’s Free Shipping, too!

Bergfreunde finally got a responsive website! Go check it out on your tablet and smartphone and also check out their big 10th Anniversary Raffle!

The Backcountry.com Outlet has up to 70% off on your favourite outdoor gear and gives you free 2-day shipping on orders over $50.

Trip Reports

Check out Hikeminded’s Serra de Tramuntana posts from the GR21! [German]

“La travesía de los lagos”.

Nick visits Conachcraig and Lochnagar.

Ute & kids enter the realm of the Dragon, the Kundler Klamm. [German]

夏至・遊の營. [Chinese]

The Ladies’ Climbing trip to Yosemite.

Cool trip report from the Coast Trail – East Sooke Regional Park.

Oh, how beautiful is…. [German]

Somewhere in New Zealand.

Heather’s Wake Up Fall.

Gerald finishes his exploration of the Huanchaca Plateau. [German]

A spring wild camp in Mid Wales.

Highland Trail 2016 Recce.

David takes a hike up Mt. Kawanori.

Rode Trip: Bikefishing the Salmonfly Hatch in Maupin.

Check out Rick’s Sunshine Coast Trail Trip Reports.

What’s left.

Enjoying the view

Gear Reviews

Using your Smartphone as a GPS.

Derek reviews the Hennessy Deep Jungle Asym Hammock.

Raf takes a look at the Arc’teryx Acrux AR Boot.

Keith reviews the ZPacks Sleeping Bag.

Jens tests the Adidas Terrex Skyclimb Top. [German]

Ivo made a DIY Tramplite-Style Shelter from Silnylon.

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Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this article to help finance the website. Additionally the Packrafting Store supported this post, too. Read the Transparency Disclaimer for more information on affiliate links & blogger transparency.

from Hiking in Finland http://ift.tt/1TyjTK3